Monday, July 25, 2005

We're Not Afraid - Update

Quick update - our pics have posted on We're Not Afraid . . . all 5 of them. Check out the link below, Gallery 230 just in case it doesn't link up properly. Link:

Our pics are: Dot USA, Mike USA (which is not so much me, as it is one of our many un-named pond frogs), Mike and David, Mulligan USA (the exhibitionist), and Pinkie USA (whose name I once again mis-spelled, sorry Pinky).

Enjoy, and be sure to add a pic of your own to tell the terrorists We're Not Afraid!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

The much anticipated lizzard solution! Congrats again to Cousin Heather for the winning, pin-point accurate descriptive response, and to friend Gene of Wisconsin for the attached "locating lizzards for dummies" pictorial solution! (And to Ted, I am sorry for the delay in posting the solution!) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 14, 2005

We're Not Afraid (.com)

Okay, so this is going to be one of those diversion postings.... bear with me. ABC News had this awesome story about some Brits who started a website - - within hours of the London bombings last week, and the site has had over 18 million visitors in just over a week. Lighthearted and decent people from all over the globe have been contributing their pics of happy, carefree, laughing, joyous moments to show bastard terrorists just who's in charge of this planet we're all spinning around on. Take a peek when you get a chance - you just might catch some pics that David and I contributed (if they post them, we'll let you know what gallery they end up in).
We're Not Afraid! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Evening Cocktails?

Sweet-toothed Anole Posted by Picasa

Well, if this wasn't the darndest thing I've seen in the yard in a while, I don't know what is. On our exciting 4th of July, I spent the afternoon/evening trying to learn how to use my digital camera after a frustrating day of failed pics at Congaree National Park, formerly Congaree National Swamp.

As I was dallying on the screened porch, I noticed the hummingbird feeder swing and saw this lizzard on it. I figured at first that he fell off the roof (not unheard of), and made a lucky grab while fighting gravity's curse. No such thing as it turns out . . . this guy kept making round trips from the roof to the feeder, and I've seen him back on the 5th and 6th as well. (Unfortunately, the picture is lousy, as I couldn't get the camera to stop focusing on the screening and focus instead on my subject).

In all my years of feeding hummingbirds, this has been the strangest. First it was the Purple Finches that began to conduct a daily progressive dinner from the sunflower feeder to the thistle feeder to the birdbath for a quick dip, and then on to the nectar for dessert, and now I have sweet-toothed lizzards. What is this world coming to, exactly?

Monday, July 04, 2005

Animated Mulligan

Hello from Mulligan! If all turns out right, you should see a dancing Mulligan here . . . if not, then I will quickly be removing this post as too boring to be of interest (though not necessarily lacking cuteness).

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 02, 2005

We have a winner!

We have a winner as of 9:02 PM EST, and a close runner up (11:32 PM CST).... Cousin Heather was the first to find it, followed within hours by Gene of Wisconsin.

The charity is the Carolina Raptor Center's very special adoptee: Emma, the Barn Owl! Please visit their site (link to the right --->) to see other animals awaiting adoption!

My apologies to anyone who is seeing anoles anywhere and everywhere now. :-) After another day or two, I will post the solution visually - but just in case my nephew Alex wants to try and find it on his own (and probably map it's GPS coordinates), I'll leave the guessing game intact for now!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Not Your Average Contest

Okay . . . I don't intend to do this very often, but I had a thought of something kind of fun to do with this photo. Hidden somewhere not too obvious, yet in plain site, is a lizzard (or more appropriately, Anolis carolinensis,
Green Anole or American Anole, even though they are sometimes brown). Now that ought to complicate things just a bit....

Anywho, the first person to correctly locate the little guy, and send it to me, will get $25 donated to your favorite (non-political) charity! {Sorry, David, you're out of the running on this since we've already played this game...}

If this blog thing works correctly, you should be able to click on the picture to get a larger version on screen if you think that will help your chances. If you get really desperate, email me and I will send the 1.3 MB version for your perusal.

Something about this reminds me of that old kids magazine Highlights where you had to hunt for creatures drawn into the larger picture. Good luck hunting!